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Come along and see the wonderful Year 10 English students present the winning speeches from last year's Public Speaking Award. Recordings of other students reading their work or presenting their orals will also be on screen. English Faculty staff will be available to answer any questions you may have. In the library, we will set up some activities around the writings of Shakespeare - match the beginning and end of the Shakespearean quote as well as have some fun compiling Shakespearean insults and writing them on the windows with special pens. There will also be interactive activities where children can add their favourite books, characters and genres to the windows as well.

Head of Faculty - Rachelle Walsh

2024 Subjects
Curriculum Curriculum As Required Electives
Year 7 English
Year 7 English as an Additional Language (Additional Support)
Units 1 & 2 English
Year 8 English
Year 8 English as an Additional Language (Additional Support)
Units 1 & 2 Literature
Year 9 English
Year 9 English as an Additional Language (Additional Support)
Units 1 & 2 English Language
Year 10 English
Units 1 & 2 English as an Additional Language
Units 3 & 4 English
Units 3 & 4 Literature
Units 3 & 4 English Language
Units 3 & 4 English as an Additional Language