At Ivanhoe Girls', we are proud of our articulate and courageous students, who are generous of spirit, have a lifelong love of learning and use their powerful voices to make a positive contribution to their wider community.
In a world where conformity often reigns supreme, daring to be different requires courage. With this in mind, the 2024 Prefects have initiated the motto “Bold, Not Embarrassed”.
As we entered into our final year of high school, even before we began putting the motto into words, the Prefect Team agreed that a lot of what had held us back in the past was a fear of embarrassment. We were scared of being seen as “cringey”, or looking like we were trying too hard, or not being completely perfect on the first try - a fear we now desperately wish we had tried harder to overcome.
There is an oft quoted statistic that says men will apply for jobs when they meet 60% of the qualifications, whereas women will only apply if they meet 100% of them. As we considered our own experiences, this seemed to highlight something we had already seen within ourselves; our own tendencies to hold back due to the fear of not being good enough.
Looking back, we saw countless moments where we’d hesitated to take risks or seize opportunities because of the fear of embarrassment.
The vision behind “Bold, Not Embarrassed” encapsulates a timeless message, one that applies to the entire school community and beyond. To be bold is to step outside the confines of societal norms and express oneself authentically. However, boldness is often accompanied by vulnerability and, inevitably, embarrassment. Thus, this motto serves as a reminder that being bold means acknowledging and accepting the risk of imperfection and embracing it with confidence.
At school, embodying ‘Bold, Not Embarrassed’ could present itself in many ways. In the classroom, it might mean answering a question without being completely certain of the answer, but giving it a try regardless. On the sporting field, it could be volunteering to join the footy team for the first time, despite not knowing a single rule. In the social sphere, it could mean being unapologetic about your interests, opening up to your friends about something that scares you, or standing up for what you believe in even if it goes against popular opinion.
At its core, being “Bold, Not Embarrassed” is about vulnerability. It is an acknowledgement that you’re not a perfect being, but a human one.
Iliana, School Captain and Josie, School Vice Captain
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