In the first in our series of VCE Reflections, 2019 School Captain Georgia talks about...
Our Social Service Prefect led a group of Ivanhoe Girls' students on the UN Walk...
The goal of the Director of Learning and Teaching at Ivanhoe Girls' is to help...
Congratulations to the Ivanhoe Girls’ Class of 2019 on their tertiary offers.
In 2019 Ivanhoe Girls’ partnered with the Bionics Institute to initiate the “Mentoring Girls in...
The Ivanhoe Girls' House Performing Arts Carnival is always something to look forward to for...
Last year a group of students raised money to support Ovarian Cancer research, creating a...
Year 10 students had to take on business roles to run their own simulated cafe.
We are proud to congratulate the 110 students from the Class of 2019 on their...