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Four members of the Dawson Family have attended Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School and are now excelling in their chosen fields.

Sophie Dawson
Class of 2005

I completed an Engineering/Science double degree at The University of Melbourne and then Masters in Physics, specialising in accelerator physics. My research was mainly focused on beam physics and instrumentation for particle accelerators, and I spent time at the Australian Synchrotron and CERN during my studies.

I then moved over to the United States to work as a software engineer at Facebook in Silicon Valley. After a few years, I left to join an education technology start-up in San Francisco called Remind, where I’ve been working for the last three years as an engineer. Remind provides a communication platform that makes it easier for teachers, parents, students and schools to manage communication with each other.

Isabelle Dawson
Class of 2009

I completed a Bachelor of Commerce and a Diploma of Language in French at The University of Melbourne, during which I did an internship at Goldman Sachs in Melbourne in the Global Investment Research division. I was offered a graduate role in the same
division and started working there full time in early 2014.

After two and a half years working in the Melbourne office I was given the opportunity to transfer to New York where I work today. I have worked my way up to an associate role focusing on Industrial US equities. What I love most about the job is that no two days are the same; it’s a very fast paced environment which is challenging but equally rewarding.

Lucy Dawson
Class of 2009

Over the course of my five-year Arts and Law degree I fell in love with the law. After graduating I worked at a suburban
legal practice and took advantage of the opportunity to work as a solicitor advocate in the local Magistrate’s Court. 

After nearly two years I accepted an Associateship at the County Court of Victoria, working for His Honour Judge Meredith of the Criminal Division. I started studying for the Bar exam while working at the court, and passed the exam in May of this year. I commence the Readers Course shortly, and very much look forward to developing my business at the Bar.

Alongside these career pursuits I have continued to play basketball at a high level. I have played for the Melbourne Boomers WNBL team, represented Monash University on the international stage, and I currently play for the Knox Raiders State Championship
Women’s team.

Charlotte Dawson
Class of 2013

I began studying a Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science at La Trobe University in 2014 and I am currently completing an Honours year
in Biochemistry.

My Honours project involves studying proteins involved in the intercellular communication of the pathogenic yeast Candida albicans. Usually, Candida only causes superficial yeast infections in healthy people. However, in immunocompromised individuals it can cause deadly systemic infections, which is why it is important to better understand how it infects people. I am enjoying my Honours year because I am completing novel research and experiments which are at the forefront of science.