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Enrol Scholarships

Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School offers a number of scholarships to both current students and external students wishing to attend the School. 

Applications for 2026 Scholarships have now Closed.

2027 Scholarship Applications will open in October 2025.

VCE General Excellence Scholarship

Students entering Years 10 and 11 in 2027 will be eligible to apply for the VCE Excellence Scholarship.

All applicants will be required to sit an academic scholarship test conducted by Academic Assessment Services. Further information will be sought from candidates in the following areas:

  • Overall academic performance and, in particular, their potential to thrive in the outstanding learning environment provided by Ivanhoe Girls' Grammar School
  • Achievement and involvement in other areas of excellence such as performing arts, visual arts, sport, music, debating and other relevant areas both within and outside school
  • Citizenship, including community service both at school or in local/global community service organisations
  • Leadership and teamwork.

Scholarships awarded will cover partial remission of the student's tuition fees until they complete their schooling in Year 12, provided satisfactory progress is maintained in all areas.

Cooerwull General Excellence Scholarship

"Cooerwull" was the name of the school established by Mrs Frances Lowe in 1903. Since then, the School has provided outstanding educational opportunities for girls. 

To honour and celebrate this significant heritage, the School is proud to offer the Cooerwull General Excellence Scholarship. Students entering Years 6-9 in 2027 will be eligible to apply for the Cooerwull General Excellence Scholarships.

Selection Criteria

All applicants will be required to sit an academic scholarship test conducted by Academic Assessment Services. Further information will be sought from candidates in the following areas:

  • Overall academic performance and, in particular, potential to thrive in the outstanding learning environment provided by Ivanhoe Girls' Grammar School
  • Achievement and involvement in other areas of excellence such as performing arts, visual arts, sport, music, debating and other relevant areas both within and outside school
  • Citizenship, including community service both at school or in local/global community service organisations
  • Leadership and teamwork.

Scholarships awarded will cover partial remission of the student's tuition fees until she completes her schooling in Year 12, provided satisfactory progress is maintained in all areas.

Academic Scholarships

Year 5 

The School is pleased to offer Academic Scholarships to students entering Year 5 in 2027. These scholarships are awarded on the basis of merit. Candidates must be in Year 4 in 2026 in order to enter Year 5 in 2027. The scholarship tenure is for the final two years of primary school and six years of secondary school at Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School.

Year 7

The School is pleased to offer Academic Scholarships to students entering Year 7 in 2027. These scholarships are awarded on the basis of merit. Candidates must be in Year 6 in 2026 in order to enter Year 7 in 2027. The scholarship tenure is for the six years of secondary school at Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School.

All applicants will be required to sit an academic scholarship test conducted by Academic Assessment Services. 

Music Scholarships

Scholarships are awarded on the basis of an audition (similar to an AMEB exam). The minimum standard (AMEB Grade Level or equivalent) suggested for audition selection is:

Students in Years 4 -6 
An A grade standard:

  • Grade 1 - Bassoon, French Horn & Oboe
  • Grade 2 - Double Bass, Clarinet, Trombone & Trumpet
  • Grade 3 - Viola, Cello & Saxophone
  • Grade 4 - Flute & Violin
  • Grade 5* - Piano

Students in Years 7-8 
An A grade standard:

  • Grade 2 - Bassoon & Oboe
  • Grade 3 - Double Bass, Clarinet, Trombone & French horn
  • Grade 4 - Flute, Cello & Saxophone, Trumpet & Viola
  • Grade 6 - Violin
  • Grade 8* - Piano

Students in Years 9-10 
An A grade standard:

  • Grade 4 - Oboe, Bassoon, Trombone, Tuba, Double Bass
  • Grade 5 - Viola & French horn
  • Grade 6 - Cello, Clarinet, Flute, Saxophone, Trumpet
  • Grade 7 - Violin
  • Grade 8* - Piano

* Pianists with a second, orchestral instrument will be given preference.


  • Grade 3 minimum (only students in Years 8, 9 and 10 eligible)

Scholarship Expressions of Interest

Expressions of Interest for our 2027 Scholarships are now open. If you would like to receive a notification when applications open, please complete the form below.