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Enrol International Students

Ivanhoe Girls’ is proud to offer a warm and welcoming environment for international students. 

A tradition of academic excellence together with outstanding co-curricular opportunities, ensures our students develop the social, emotional and academic skills required to succeed in life. 

We strongly encourage international students to commence at Ivanhoe Girls' in Year 10. We believe this gives new students the opportunities to settle into life in Australia, make friends, and enjoy co-curricular activities such as Music, Performing Arts and Sport to enable them to experience a well-rounded Australian education.

In Years 11 and 12, students study for the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), which prepares them for entry into tertiary institutions in Australia and abroad. 

How to apply

To begin an application to enrol at Ivanhoe Girls' as an International Student, please complete the International Enrolment Enquiry form.

You will need to submit copies of the following documents:

  • Birth certificate 
  • Passport 
  • Recent school reports or public examination results 

All applicants will be required to sit an English Language test. The preferred test is with Australian Education Assessment Services (AEAS). See Annex 1 Enrolment Policy for Outcome Requirements.

If the application is successful, the School will send a Letter of Offer.

This Letter will confirm:

  • Commencement and completion dates
  • Applicable fees (including tuition fees, health insurance and welfare support (if required)

On acceptance of this offer, the return of all relevant documentation and payment of fees, a Confirmation of Enrolment (e-COE) will be issued. 

Please be advised that Ivanhoe Girls' Grammar School cannot provide advice regarding Immigration or Visa Requirements.

More information


Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School is a day school. If parents/guardians do not live locally, homestay accommodation may be arranged by the School.

If there are family members located close to the School, families may request that students stay with them. The family nominated homestay provider must:

  • Be a relative over 21 years of age
  • Be either a permanent resident or have a visa that enables him/her to remain in Australia until the student completes her secondary studies
  • Be of good character
  • Meet the School’s requirements for homestay providers
  • Ensure all members of the household over 18 years of age have completed the Linksafe Induction which includes providing a valid Working With Children Check.

Please note: The School will not permit students to live alone or share with other students. For more information, please refer to the Home Stay Arrangements Policy and the Welfare and Accommodation Policy.

General Welfare

Wellbeing is particularly important for international students without family support in Australia. Ivanhoe Girls’ has clear lines of responsibility in relation to the care of international students to ensure their academic progress, attendance and integration into the life of the School.

Staff Responsibilities

The International Student Coordinator liaises with the Year Level Coordinator to closely monitor wellbeing issues related to each student. The International Student Coordinator is responsible for making recommendations to the Principal or the Deputy Principal and Head of Senior School in terms of appropriate management strategies for welfare support and living arrangements, financial arrangements, academic progress, absenteeism and assimilation into the Year Level. In addition:

  • The Director of Admissions is responsible for Department of Home Affairs requirements such as passports, visas and Overseas Student Health Cover
  • The Director of Corporate Services is responsible for financial matters
  • The Heads of Curriculum together with other staff are responsible for subject choice, career and tertiary course information
  • The Principal and the Head of Senior School are available for follow up of any issues that may arise


Parents/legal guardians, local welfare support and homestay hosts should contact the International Student Coordinator should matters of concern arise.

Reports are issued at end of Semesters 1 and 2 and available for viewing by students, parents/legal guardians on the School’s intranet, Hive. 

Learning Progress Interviews are held during Semester 1 and Term 3. Local welfare support may attend these interviews together with the students to assist with communication and translation for the parents/legal guardians where required. Students are encouraged to use student diaries to record homework and deadlines. The diaries contain information such as important dates, major events and community norms for students.

The fortnightly Newsletter is available on Hive and emailed to all parents/legal guardians. Please contact the School to arrange The Newsletter to be sent to parents overseas, local welfare support and homestay hosts.

Counselling and Tertiary Study

Education information and general welfare matters are handled by the Director of Student Wellbeing, Year Level Coordinators, Tutors and the School Counsellor. Staff with language skills may be called on to assist in translation where appropriate. While the School provides career advice and information concerning tertiary study for all students, international students are provided with a specific Tertiary Information session each year.


International students are required to attend all classes unless they are unwell. Any extended absence or absence from VCE assessment requires a medical certificate. The parents/legal guardian, student or homestay hosts should notify the School should a student be unable to attend school. For more information, please see the School Course Progress Policy and School Attendance Policy

Procedures for Resolving Student Grievances

All students are cared for as individuals and any problem therefore is dealt with individually. A number of people take responsibility for caring for International Students and act as required. In the first instance, should a student have a grievance that needs to be resolved, they should consult either their Year Level Coordinator, their tutor or the International Student Coordinator. If necessary, the student or staff member may refer the matter to the Head of Senior School, the Director of Corporate Services, the Director of Admissions, School Counsellors or Year Level Coordinators. The Principal has the final responsibility internally of resolution of any student grievance. Should it be necessary, the School has secured and will cover the cost of the services of an external mediator.

Welfare Support

In addition to the support and counselling provided by the School, the student may also have extra welfare support provided locally. The Student’s parents may nominate someone locally, or the school can assist in providing the additional paid support. The School uses the services of third-party services to provide additional welfare support. While the School may engage third party providers to assist with the welfare of students the School retains responsibility for the provision of welfare support. 

Individuals who are nominated by the student’s parents/legal guardians to take on this role must:

  • Be a relative or family friend over 21 years of age
  • Be either a permanent resident or have a visa that enables him/her to remain in Australia until the Student completes Year 12
  • Complete a Linksafe Induction including providing a valid Working With Children Check.

The additional welfare support:

  • provides support and counselling to the student in addition to that provided by the School
  • may attend parent teacher interviews and orientations to assist with communication and translation to the student, and parents/legal guardians
  • may provide other additional support as requested by the parents to assist with the wellbeing and academic progress of the student.

For more information, please contact the Admissions Office

T: +61 3 9490 6222


All new international students commencing at Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School at the beginning of the school year are invited to attend orientation activities in November/December prior to commencement if they are in Melbourne at that time.

The International Student orientation programs is held in accordance to the students arrival in Melbourne. The program is run by the International Student Coordinator with assistance of:

  • Senior School students
  • Director of Admissions

School-Based Orientation

New international students attend an interview with the Director of Admissions and International Student Coordinator before commencement. At the interview information is gathered about the student and her interests. During the interview subject choices are made. Assistance is given to order books, purchase uniforms and access the School's Learning Management System. Daily administrative procedures such as notification of absence, uniform guidelines, School behaviour expectations, specific visa requirements regarding welfare support and homestays and Term dates are discussed (these are also detailed in the International Student Handbook).

Local Area Orientation

Homestay providers assist students to become familiar with the local area. School staff such as tutors, International Student Coordinator and Director of Admissions also assist in this orientation. This includes providing information about transport routes, transport cards and ticket purchasing, banking and the location of shopping areas and medical and dental facilities.

Please see our Student Orientation Policy for more information.

Health Insurance

The Australian Government requires all full fee-paying international students to have health insurance. 

The School may arrange cover on behalf of the student for the duration of the visa with Medibank Private and charges this fee to the student’s account. Additional insurance is available to cover extra items such as dental, optical and ambulance fees.

Please contact the Director of Admissions for more information:
T: +61 3 9490 6222


To study in Australia please refer to the Department of Home affairs (Subclass 500 Student visa)

Child Safety and Code of Conduct

All members of the Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School community, including students, staff, board members, contractors and volunteers, are responsible for supporting the safety, participation, wellbeing and empowerment of children and are required to uphold the School’s commitment to child safety at all times and zero tolerance of child abuse both at School and outside of school hours.

Click Here to view the Ivanhoe Girls' Child Safety Policies.