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Lux Mea | Winter 2024

Year 7: A Solo Flyer's Journey

Year 7 students Hannah and Adelle sat down to discuss their different paths to Senior School, with Hannah coming through the Junior School while Adelle is the only student from her Primary School to have come to Ivanhoe Girls’.

Hannah: What Primary School did you come from?

Adelle: I came from Northcote Primary.

H: Was it scary coming to a new school on your own?

A: It was, but it was also exciting. I really wanted to try something new, and see something different.

H: What did the School do to make you feel comfortable and welcome you in the first few weeks?

A: It was really inclusive! It was really good, we did a lot of activities together but sometimes because we did things in smaller groups we didn’t get to meet other people from the year level.

H: How did you make new friends?

A: I’m a very social person, so I was just thinking; “you’ve got to start somewhere!” You’ve got to talk to people, you can’t say you’re not going to talk to them, otherwise you’re not going to make many friends.

H: What were the challenges of starting Year 7 and how have you overcome these challenges?

A: A couple of days before the first day of Year 7, I was really nervous about what was going to happen. But how I overcame it was when I actually came to school, I felt really comfortable, and figured out that you’ve just got to put yourself out there.

H: Even though it was a long time ago – I still remember coming to the School and feeling like I already fit in here.

A: Yeah definitely!

H: How have you found life at Ivanhoe Girls’ so far?

A: It’s been really good; I haven’t met anybody who is rude or anything! I really like that it’s a community in the School, I do things out of school and you’ve got the community with you there as well.

H: What advice would you give to a Year 7 Solo Flyer in 2025?

A: I would just say that you don’t have to worry about it! I was really close to my Primary School friends but it’s still exciting finding something new, and now I have different friends in all different areas!

H: Did you do any clubs or activities that helped you connect with other students?

A: I’m really excited to do the School Musical next year, I did some ushering this year and it was really cool to see how it came together. Did you do the Junior School Musical last year?

H: I did! I love the musical, I got to know a lot more people. It’s fun practicing for it and performing it, it was a great experience.

A: Yeah, because you’re already in a friendship group but then when you do a Musical, you meet new people.

H: And I went out of my comfort zone a lot, with singing and everything.

A: But how did being a Junior School student prepare you for the jump to Senior School?

H: I knew a lot of people and I sort of knew the School environment and a lot of things about it. But there’s still things I didn’t know, it’s still a big jump but it was comfortable.

A: Obviously you knew the Junior School grounds well, were there areas of the Senior School that you felt that you knew or others that you didn’t?

H: I felt like I knew some of the places, obviously the Sports areas in the Senior School I knew well. But classrooms in the Science Wing were a bit confusing so I had to find my way around there in the first few weeks.

A: Yeah that’s nice! You were a Junior School Co-Captain in Year 6, did that experience make the transition to Year 7 easier?

H: I think it did, because I knew a lot of people. In terms of public speaking, it helped me know how to talk to people more than I would before. It helped me a lot.

Hannah and Adelle
Year 7