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Lux Mea | Winter 2024

Our Class of 2022 truly performed strongly and achieved outstanding results that reinforced Ivanhoe Girls' as one of the top-performing schools in Melbourne's North. We are thankful they were able to complete their studies entirely onsite last year and we congratulate them on their excellent ATAR results. Our students are to be commended in addition to their VCE results, with 75% receiving a place in their first or second preference tertiary course and 79% receiving a place in a tertiary course of one of their first three choices.

ATAR Results

Our Class of 2022 are to be commended on their determination to succeed which brought them outstanding ATAR Results. In particular, we are delighted to report:

  • 6% of students achieved an ATAR score higher than 99
  • 10% of students achieved an ATAR score higher than 98
  • 23% of students achieved an ATAR score higher than 95
  • 39% of students achieved an ATAR score higher than 90
  • 78% of students achieved an ATAR score higher than 80
Students with ATAR Scores of 95 and above
  • Isabella
  • Bronte
  • Rachel
  • Lilla
  • Annabelle
  • Zoe
  • Greta
  • Kayla
  • Christina
  • Ruth
  • Xinran (Amy)
  • Adelina
  • Mietta
  • Katie
  • Alyssa
  • Valente
  • Mia
  • Georgia
  • Trixie
  • Abbey
  • Yunzhi
  • Studying: Bachelor of Commerce at The University of Melbourne
  • Offered the Commerce Achievement Scholarship
  • Studying: Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Midwifery at Deakin University
  • Offered the Deakin Vice-Chancellor’s Academic Excellence Scholarship
  • Studying: Bachelor of Law Honours/Bachelor of Global Studies (Human Rights) at La Trobe University
  • Offered the Isaacson Davis Foundation Scholarship
  • Studying: Bachelor of Law Honours/Bachelor of Arts at La Trobe University
  • Offered the La Trobe Vice-Chancellor's Excellence Scholarship (Aspire)

VCE Season of Excellence - Top Class

The VCE Season of Excellence is an annual festival showcasing a selection of outstanding work in a VCE or VET subject where a student has truly excelled. We were absolutely delighted for a group of our students to have been recognised in the 2022 season.

Congratulations to:

  • Mietta - Theatre Studies
  • Emma - Studio Arts
  • Caitlin - Music
  • Emma - Art

Study Scores

Median Study Score: 34

15% of all scores in subjects studied by students in Years 11 and 12 were 40 or more, placing them in the top 9% in the State.

The following students achieved scores of 47 or above for their studies:
  • Kelly for English and History: Revolutions
  • Zoe for Psychology
  • Greta for Legal Studies
  • Adelina for English and Legal Studies
  • Alyssa for English
  • Georgia for Psychology
The following students achieved a score of 40 or more in three subjects:
  • Bronte
  • Imogen
  • Greta
  • Christina
  • Xinran (Amy)
  • Alyssa
  • Mia
  • Mia (Trixie)

Tertiary Institutions and Courses

It is truly exciting to see such a wide range of Tertiary Destinations selected, with many students electing to study Interstate and accepting offers at Australian National University, Charles Sturt University and the University of Sydney. We are proud to see students from Ivanhoe Girls' make their mark in several Educational Institutions across Victoria and explore a huge

The Class of 2022 chose a wide variety of industries and pathways. We were delighted to see a large number of students accepting the Honours program as part of their course and many choosing to complete a Double Degree. We wish them all the best on their next educational journey.

Animal and Veterinary Biosciences
Animal Science
Biomedical Science
Building Design
Business Professional Practice
Business Administration/Nursing
Business/Banking and Finance
Commerce/Health Sciences
Computer Science
Criminology and Psychology
Dermal Sciences
Early Childhood Education
Film, Television and Animation
Fine Art
Games Design
Global Studies
Health Sciences
International Studies
International Security
Landscape Architecture
Media Communication
Occupational Therapy
Osteopathy/Health Science
Screen Production
Veterinary Technology

Reflections from Duxes

Dux: Alyssa
ATAR: 99.8
Course: Bachelor of Commerce 
at The University of Melbourne

I am happy with my result and am excited for the opportunities it will bring me, but I know that I could not have done it without the support of my teachers, family and peers. Whether united in laughter or in struggle I have always been inspired by the talent and dedication of the Class of 2022 and am proud of everything we have achieved.

Dux Secundi: Adelina
ATAR: 99.35
Course: Bachelor of Arts 
at The University of Melbourne

I am genuinely shocked and thrilled with the ATAR result I received and I am also beyond proud of the Class of 2022 for all of our hard work and achievements throughout the year; I’m now hoping to study Bachelor of Arts at The University of Melbourne as well as a Diploma of Music on the side.