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Lux Mea | Summer 2024/25

Towards 125: Our Strategy for 2024 – 2028

At Ivanhoe Girls’, we are dedicated to empowering and nurturing both our current and future students, young people who deserve an incredible educational opportunity that lives up to their immense potential. With this commitment in mind, we have created the School’s Strategy for the next five years. It is our plan for the future, it is intentional, and includes both what we choose to focus on and what we choose not to do.

Our Strategy is firmly focussed on the learning and wellbeing of our students, and the people and supports that make incredible learning possible. The Strategic Plan builds on the five key strategies identified in our 2019 – 2024 Strategic Plan. We are confident that these over-arching strategies remain well and truly fit for purpose as we move towards our 125th Anniversary in 2028.

At the detailed level you will see an increased focus on:

  • the delivery of intentional wellbeing education to our school community,
  • flexible and cross-curricular approaches to learning,
  • fostering knowledge and pride in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures,
  • and the development of a philanthropic culture to help support future innovation at Ivanhoe Girls’.

Our students are moving into a world of work that is undergoing massive upheaval due to societal changes and the increasing role of Artificial Intelligence in our lives. Now more than ever, our role as educators is to prepare them to be responsive to change, be brave enough to try new things and explore new pathways, and ultimately help them develop the uniquely human skills and dispositions that will underpin a life of purpose and kindness.

In the wonderful busyness of this vibrant school, having a clear focus on our Strategy helps us ensure that we have a calm centre. From this centre we can act clearly and deliberately to enhance and optimise the learning and wellbeing of our students. This is an important document as it guides our innovation agenda, with all our projects being explicitly linked to at least one of the strategies. In the interests of sustainability, we have made the Strategic Plan available digitally rather than making print copies.

You can access the new plan through our website, and I hope that you enjoy the read.

Mrs Karen Frost
Ms Narelle Umbers