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Lux Mea | Summer 2024/25

Having been at the School for over 20 years, Mrs Helen Moore has impressed Ivanhoe Girls' with her passion for learning, her clear understanding of how girls learn, and her understanding of the School culture and community. She has a clear vision for how to develop a Junior School curriculum that not only prepares the students well for success in their senior years but also one that creates important foundation skills leading to strong, resilient, and respectful students. We all congratulate Helen and look forward to seeing how the Junior School develops under her leadership.

After 23 years of service at Ivanhoe Girls’, the School can be credited with contributing to my growth as a leader which has ultimately led to my appointment as Head of Junior School this year. After such long service to the School, I am privileged to be in a position to look back with understanding and to look forward with wisdom.

One of my first impressions of the School, when I visited on a hot December day in 1999, was of fearless girls running down the grassy lawns and jumping over a stream made by a hose lying on the ground. I was immediately attracted to this natural, ‘grounded’ play space which enabled students to be themselves. 

While environmental changes have altered the way we play with water these days, the Junior School continues to provide play spaces that nurture curiosity and joy. I also have strong memories of the photos of past Junior School musicals on the wall in Amos House; I remember being struck by the rich and diverse co-curricular programs on offer. 

Our recent Arts Festival was a testament to the School’s continued focus on providing high-quality arts experiences. I also recall being deeply moved by my very first Junior School Church Service in which the choristers sang so beautifully. 

These early memories were formative and remind me of the things that must be nurtured. We will be sure to retain these excellent traditions. A home-grown leader can have many benefits.

Over my many years at the school, I have had the privilege of witnessing and actively supporting numerous whole school transformations from start to finish. I have been actively involved in the important transformation of buildings, three uniform changes and many pedagogical and technological advances. I look back with nostalgia on the old yellow and brown uniforms, but the new uniform is vibrant and according to the students, it is very comfortable.

2000 - Mrs Helen Moore, Mrs Claire Elso and Preps

In 2010, The Cooerwull Centre and the Hillsley Visual Arts and Hospitality Complex transformed the Junior School Library and Visual Art learning spaces – I recollect that in my first year of teaching Prep, prior to those renovations taking place, I could only send half of my class at a time to Art lessons as the art ‘shed’ was too small for my whole class to attend all together. The Sharwood House renovation back in 2011 was impressive as the old outdoor ‘red square’ was replaced by the wonderful indoor Sharwood Atrium, where the whole of Junior School can gather indoors and enjoy a cool or dry space on any day of the year. I look forward to further changes and developments to come, including the construction of a large roof over the Junior School tennis courts which will enable physical activity to take place outside every day of the year, whatever the weather.

I have appreciated and enjoyed many rich learning opportunities in my various teaching and leadership roles in the Junior School. Starting as a Prep teacher 23 years ago, I happily embraced the rapidly changing technologies available to teachers to make learning more engaging and accessible and I was an advocate for new teaching practices which were emerging from contemporary research. 
2015 - Mrs Helen Moore and Junior School Students, Robotics

After gaining a wealth of experience in my first 10 years of teaching, I was placed in good stead to take on the Deputy Head of Junior School role (now 13 years ago). In that position, I helped lead the way with the introduction of interactive whiteboards and iPads to the Junior School. More recently, I developed and rolled out programs to students which offered various extension opportunities, including extension Maths groups, Debating and Robotics. 

As part of a leadership restructure two years ago, I was appointed Director of Curriculum, Learning and Innovation, and continued to work alongside the Head of Junior School to offer the best learning environment possible to our students. Throughout my time at Ivanhoe Girls’, I have worked closely and happily with two Principals, Dr Heather Schnagl AM and now Dr Deborah Priest; and three Heads of Junior School, first Ms Helen Williams, then Ms Carol Hodgson, who continues to be a mentor to me, and finally Mrs Mary Bourke, my predecessor with whom I very much enjoyed working as a co-leader. I have worked closely with our exceptional Senior School staff including Ms Narelle Umbers, who will return to the School as Principal next year.

I have been privileged to work on the School’s Management and Executive teams for many years and I have thoroughly enjoyed learning from a range of people in those teams who each display different styles of leadership. 

2019 - L-R Mrs Mary Bourke, Abigail, Ramiele and Mrs Helen Moore, Leaders Assmebly

In addition to my role as a staff member, I have also been a parent at Ivanhoe Girls’, as my two daughters, Bethany (Class of 2008) and Anna (Class of 2010), attended the Senior School. Ivanhoe Girls’ certainly contributed to encouraging and developing their leadership, their understanding of service, and their love of learning. It was wonderful that Bethany was able to serve as York House Captain and Anna was School Captain. I understand the value of strong partnerships between parents and the School and the positive influence that this has on a child’s learning when it is underpinned by effective communication and trust.

In 2018, I completed my Master of Education in Leadership and Management at the University of Melbourne. This study gave me deep insights into current educational research and methods for leading in the context of modern educational challenges, particularly in light of new technologies. The course confirmed my passion for leadership and for building staff capacity to ensure that each student’s learning is optimised and joyful. 

It reminded me that when introducing new ways of doing things, it is crucial that the process is imbued with a shared vision, trust and integrity.
2022 - Mrs Helen Moore and Mr Dave Furness

My long connection to the School equips me with a deep understanding of its culture, which enables me to lead with stability and to navigate change in uncertain times. I am a strong supporter of the vision that has guided the Junior School over many years now; one in which all students thrive as part of a respectful community of learners and are challenged and supported to find their spark and their voice. 

Under my leadership students are encouraged to value excellence in learning, work collaboratively with empathy, nurture their own leadership capabilities, challenge stereotypes, and be active citizens who engage in issues in the local community and beyond. My hope is that every student in the Junior School embodies the values of connectedness, kindness, curiosity, bravery and vibrancy, and simply aims to be the best person they can be.

Mrs Helen Moore
Head of Junior School