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Lux Mea | Summer 2024/25

SMART Spellers in the Junior School

SMART Spelling is a systematic approach to teaching spelling, an acronym for Say Meaning Analyse Remember Teach which is the process used to explicitly teach students spelling.

SMART Spelling starts in Prep with the SMART Foundation program. Each week the students are introduced to a new word and sentence of the week. The word teaches the sounds (phonemes) and letters, and the sentence teaches commonly read words in the context of a sentence. This program also enriches oral language, creates excitement, and makes learning fun. Each week, the students enjoy a craft activity that develops fine motor skills and is a ‘hook’ for learning.

In Years 1 to 6 students continue to develop all aspects of spelling knowledge: phonology (how words sound), visual (how words look), morphology (word parts) and etymology (word origin) so that they can apply this successfully their independent writing. 

Using the THRASS chart as a common reference tool and working through the SMART sequence, they are supported to understand how words and language work. Spelling words are grouped and studied according to helpful sound or letter patterns. Differentiation is achieved through the organisation of word lists into a ‘traffic light’ system. The spelling focus is introduced with an emphasis on comprehension and pronunciation. 

Throughout the week, students participate in multisensory activities to increase their phonological awareness and support visual memory. They segment words into individual sounds and syllables and highlight any parts that might be difficult for them to spell. 

Students engage in word building, explore word meaning and use their words in sentences. At the conclusion of the teaching cycle, students are encouraged to generalise useful patterns.

Mrs Jo Rowlands, Prep Teacher and Ms Ellen Cameron, Year 4 Teacher