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Lux Mea | Winter 2024

What do you love most about Prep and what are you looking forward to about your future at Ivanhoe Girls’?

Learning Maths! I already have started Maths, I did three Math sheets and I got them all correct!

We can play, and we can learn!

That we do not just have to stay in the Prep area, we can play at the Tennis Courts!

Making things and paintings!

Walking around School to find new places!

Playing on the Monkey Bars!

I get to learn a lot! My favourite thing to learn is Maths!

Playing with computers!

Making more friends!

Journal writing!

When it's Recess! I also like PE because Ms F and Ms Purvis said I am really good!

Learning about Science!

I love learning to count, I can count to 101! I also love my teachers because they are very nice!

Making new friends and meeting teachers!

That we have lots of friends to play with and that we get to play after we eat our food!

Meeting new people like people who have not been at this school before!

At Recess I get to share with my friends my news!

If I'm growing up, I might like to play with new friends or if there are my old friends I can find some new friends with my old friends!

When we get to learn how to write Dinosaur!


I like that I can play with my friends outside! I also love playing inside in the kitchen and with the puppets!