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Lux Mea | Winter 2024

Ivanhoe Girls' Parents Association (IGGSPA)

The Parents Association’s aim is to support the School and the school community, drawing on the legacy of the 97 years that came before us. Our goal is to bring friendship and community to the School through events and activities.

As President, I feel incredibly fortunate to collaborate with a team of dedicated parents who have great ideas and true passion. Together, we bring these visions to life through a number of social gatherings and themed fundraisers. From Mother’s and Father’s Day celebrations to our Family Movie Night, Trivia Night, Christmas Lunch, and seasonal fundraisers, there’s always something exciting happening in our calendar.

IGGSPA also runs the Second Life Uniform (SLU) shop, where parents can both buy and sell second-hand uniforms. This is a great service that promotes reuse and sustainability. SLU volunteers have also put in many hours towards boxing the old school uniform to be shipped to schools in Fiji through the Katalyst Foundation.

While the primary focus of the School journey is undoubtedly your child, we understand that it is also a journey for parents. That’s why IGGSPA is dedicated to helping parents forge connections, gain insights into the path ahead, and participate in our school community alongside their children.

With the funds we raise, we support a number of initiatives designed to enhance the student experience. From Awards and Prizes for Celebration Night, ice cream sat Christmas time, chocolate chip cookies and hot jam donut morning teas in winter, to larger things like new gym equipment, breakout spaces, and funds for the Indigenous garden, we aim to support the school and student programs and initiatives wherever and whenever we can.

Claudette Siroky
IGGSPA President