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Lux Mea | Summer 2024/25

I’ve always been ambitious. In my Grade 6graduation video, I confidently declared my future as a doctor, lawyer, and author(in my spare time, of course). This enthusiasm carried over to my High School years at Ivanhoe Girls’. From day one, I dove into everything - kayaking, musicals, SRC, synchronized swimming, debating – the list goes on. Being surrounded by equally open-minded and driven women reiterated to me that the sky was the limit. The people I met and the opportunities I embraced at Ivanhoe Girls’ set me on the path to becoming the confident, empowered woman I am today, and for that, I am deeply grateful.

As I approached my final years of Secondary School, I thought I would “just” be a doctor. But life had other plans. During my final year, while studying for exams, I fainted every time I stepped into a clinical setting. So, I had to pivot quickly. I focused on what I excelled at - math and science - and embarked on a double degree in Software Engineering (Honours) and Commerce (majoring in Finance) at Monash University. Looking back, I’m so thankful for that decision.

However, my story isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Engineering challenged me like nothing before. I’d breezed through high school, but university was a reality check. I often felt a step behind, anxious about assessments, and spent countless hours studying just to scrape by. After my first semester, I doubted I could finish. Yet, as someone who sees things through, I persevered—and I’m so glad I did. That discomfort forced me to grow in ways I hadn’t imagined. I truly believe that to become great, you need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Just as I seized every opportunity in high school, I encourage you to do the same early in your career. Apply for internships, join clubs, and soak up as much experience as you can. It’ll help you figure out what you want (or don’t want) to do.

When I landed a job at TikTok, I was ecstatic yet nervous. Moving to Sydney felt monumental for my close-knit Greek family, and there were tears shed over leaving behind everything I knew. My advice? Take the risk, especially early in your career. How bad can it be?

As women, we often second-guess ourselves, hesitating to apply for jobs we don’t feel fully qualified for or missing out on opportunities we think others deserve more. My final piece of advice is to DREAM BIG. I was once told to set seemingly unachievable goals. As a realist and perfectionist, that was tough, but every time I aimed high—like landing a role at TikTok—I achieved it. You can only reach your greatest dreams, so make them as large as possible.

Elysia Giannis (Class of 2017)
Software Engineer at TikTok

Transitioning to Ivanhoe Girls’ in Year 5 with dyslexia and learning challenges was extremely daunting, and something I absolutely did not want to do. However, by the end of Year 12, I had made lifelong friends, an ATAR I was proud of, and the confidence and courage to take on any challenge.

My fondest memories include time spent in the newly renovated ‘Hillsley’, where most of my time was spent mastering my photography skills. Being a part of the Ski Team from Year 6, I am still very familiar with Mrs Stagg’s training regime to help us be the best of the best, training 3 times a week followed by weekends and school holidays at Mt Buller. The girls I did the ski team with will always hold a special place in my heart; you cannot break a bond that’s built on sporting competitiveness and competitions wearing matching Lycra! I recently saw a picture of the 2023 Ski Team, proudly wearing their Lycra - it’s nice to see some things never change.

When I completed VCE I changed my mind about what career pathway I would follow about 10 times! I eventually commenced a Bachelor of Arts. I quickly discovered this was not for me, and went onto study my passion for Photography. I had always wanted to be a photojournalist, travelling the world and documenting history. But I was impatient. I wanted a career straight away, so I enrolled into a Bachelor of Nursing and never looked back.

My career pathway as a nurse has been a challenging one. Specialising in neonatal nursing, I accidentally fell into a journey of continuous learning, obtaining a Post Graduate Certificate in Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing and subsequently a Master of Advanced Nursing Practice and a Master of Health Administration. Today, as a Nurse Unit Manager at Mercy Hospital for Women(one of five NICUs in the state) I oversee our Level 6 NICU comprising of 61 beds, managing 230 nursing staff and a large public health ICU budget.

Ivanhoe Girls’ taught me that I could achieve anything by being brave and courageous, and never giving up. To this day, courage is a leadership trait I take with me into every role inside and outside work. If I can give any advice, it would be to choose subjects that you enjoy, your ATAR will not always take you to where you are meant to be. Only you can do that with bravery and courage, by being true to yourself, stepping outside the box and always questioning the status quo. Never forget, enjoy yourself!

Jemma Binney (née Lane) (Class of 2004)
Nurse Unit Manager, Neonatal Services at Mercy Hospital for Women