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Lux Mea | Winter 2024

A New Era for our Year 6 Graduates

Every single person in Year 6, with no exceptions whatsoever, is nervous about moving to Senior School. It’s a scary transition, filled with the many possibilities of laptops, zipper binders, strange new class destinations, and homework. Lots and lots of homework. Junior School has been a great experience for me ever since I joined the School in Year 5. It’s been filled with memories of bake sales, iPads, but most memorable of all, performing solo in the Winter Concert and organising a disco. I’ll miss the fun and kind teachers here in the Junior School. But the Senior School is an open door, just waiting for me to step into the neon highlighters, tutor groups, lockers, and many more tiny details that create the journey of the Class of 2030.

Year 6

I remember standing in my Prep classroom for the first time and I wanted to run back to my mum, but then I realised everything would be fine. From the beginning to the end of Junior School, I have loved every single moment and will treasure all the amazing and unforgettable memories that I have experienced.

Moving to Senior School is such a big step up from Junior School. I am extremely sad to leave the Junior School but I am also happy that I get to experience new pathways throughout my future years of high school. I am sad that I have to leave my amazing Year 6 teacher, Mr Hoy and all the other awesome teachers that I have had along the way, but I am also excited to meet my new teachers. I can’t wait to see where high school takes me in my future.

Year 6

This year has been an adventure. My schooling started in Prep at another school. I made friends and had a wonderful time. However, I was not being pushed by my learning. When my parents and I were looking for a high school, we went to the Open Day. I then looked at the Junior School as well as the Senior School. Since then, I have not looked back.

When I moved to Ivanhoe Girls’, I was excited for the next chapter in my schooling. When I started, I immediately felt like I was able to learn more. I found many passions like art, writing and reading. Teachers and friends supported me. It feels sad that I am leaving the Junior School, but I am excited to move to my next phase of learning. I have made a few friends already and the teachers are nice. I will miss the familiarity of the Junior School. The only thing I regret is not coming to Ivanhoe Girls’ sooner!

Year 6

We’ve had a jam-packed Year 6 experience, with our incursions and excursions being my favourite. Senior School is a new experience for me, and to be honest, I’m a bit nervous. New classrooms, new schedules, new faces. Nothing will be the same, apart from the fact that we might have a familiar face here or there. What can I expect? How will I keep up? Can I really get used to the constant rush of high school?

But the main thought that I focus on is that it’s a new perspective for all of us, not just me. There will be necessary struggles in the beginning. Even then, we can look at it from an optimistic point of view. A fresh start, new opportunities, and there’s knowledge to be found. From a difficult journey to an eternal benefit. We come, we learn, we conquer. There’s so much in the world for us to see, and it’s only weeks away. The world is our oyster.

Year 6