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About Us Information Technology

At Ivanhoe Girls', Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is used to enhance learning and develop essential skills for life and work.

ICT in the Curriculum

Teachers plan for purposeful, meaningful and relevant use of technology to enhance learning across all curriculum areas. Technology can also provide “hands-on” engagement in technically complex activities, such as:

  • probes connected to computers to measure changes in temperature, oxygen concentration and motion in Science classes
  • polar monitors to investigate heart rate changes during exercises in Physical Education
  • on-site use of laptops in Geography fieldwork allows immediate recording of data.
Digital Devices in the Junior School

Over the past decade, learning in the Junior School has been greatly enhanced by the integration of digital technologies. While these devices have brought numerous benefits to student learning, they have also presented challenges in ensuring students use technology confidently and safely. As the digital and technological landscape continues to evolve, so too must our approach. Following a recent review of our school-wide strategy for device use from Early Learning Centre (ELC) to Year 12, we plan to provide improved access to digital technology through the use of iPads in the Junior School starting in 2025.

What Does This Mean for 2025?

  • Prep to Year 5 students will be assigned an iPad for the school year. Keyboards and stylus pens will be provided as needed.
  • These iPads will be procured and managed by the School, ensuring that all students have safe and equal access to learning while reducing management issues and minimising distractions from unwanted or inappropriate applications
  • Current Year 4 students no longer be required to bring their own iPad to school for Year 5
  • Current Year 5 students will continue using their own iPads in Year 6 2025 as part of this transition (They will use a school-issued laptop in Year 7, resulting in a uniform one-to-one device allocation across the Whole School).

Having one-to-one iPads from Prep to Year 6 will allow us to transform the Sharwood computer room into a flexible Digital Technology Learning Space, equipped with resources for coding, robotics, movie-making and podcasting. The Library will also become a more versatile learning space, as we will no longer need the class set of laptops currently stationed there.

We are very excited about our new device strategy in the Junior School and look forward to the enhanced teaching and learning it will bring.

Digital Devices in the Senior School

At Ivanhoe Girls’, we understand the need to continuously review our policies and strategies in an ever-evolving world to ensure that we deliver the best possible learning experiences for our students.

Back in 2022, we reviewed the students' use of digital devices and made the decision to transition from a student-choice model to a school-designated device for Years 7 to 9. Recently, we have conducted a second Whole School review of our approach to digital technology use, from the Early Learning Centre to Year 12.

Following our review, we have decided to extend the use of school-designated devices from Years 7-9 to Years 10-12, with a staged rollout starting with the Year 10s in 2026.

Devices are purchased by parents and guardians through the school’s partner portal when each student enters Year 7, and from 2026, when a student enters Year 10. These devices are wholly owned by the parents or guardians and are retained by them at the conclusion of the three-year period.

  • Devices come with a stylus and touch-sensitive screen to enable more flexible use of the technology by students.
  • Enhanced onsite Technology Helpdesk services are available to students with the designated device. A loan device will be made available while devices are being repaired to minimise student downtime.
  • The school has been able to package the supply of the designated device along with an extended three-year warranty, accidental breakage/damage insurance, and quick-turnaround break and fix support as part of a negotiated bulk education purchase price.
  • A secure and easy-to-use online portal is also provided to enable parents or guardians to order and pay for the device and access the support package.

Starting in 2026, Year 10 students will purchase a device suitable for their upper senior years, which they will keep for the remainder of their schooling. By 2028, all Senior School students will have the same device as their peers. For VCE students studying Creative Arts subjects who need higher performance for specialised software, like film-making or animation, the School is investigating a virtual lab at Hillsley. This lab will provide state-of-the-art facilities for these students, both at school and from home.

If any current students in Years 9-11 are thinking of replacing their current device before 2026, there is an option to purchase the school-designated device at an earlier date. In this interim period, the School will offer support, but not the full remote management facility. This ensures those students have the same administration rights as their peers.

Looking ahead, we are excited about the positive impact this strategy will have on teaching and learning, as well as the enhanced experiences it will bring to our students and school community.

ICT Infrastructure

Our ICT infrastructure is flexible, expandable and accessible to all students. We offer access to:

  • a wireless and cabled network across the School
  • wireless screen mirroring through VIVI in all classrooms
  • six dedicated computer laboratories
  • scanners, cameras and printers
  • Windows and Mac Operating System devices
  • interactive whiteboards (IWBs)
  • our School Intranet, hive.

Cybersafety and Cyber Positive Education

Our Cyber Positive Education Program

 Our Cyber Positive Education Program has three strands:

  • Cyber Positive – how to use technology positively and avoid traps and pitfalls
  • Cyber Savvy – applying technology to advantage
  • Cyber Citizenship – the rights, respect and responsibilities involved with using technology.


The Ivanhoe Girls’ Cybersafety Policy manages the risks of ICT being used inappropriately at School while maximising the benefits of ICT for students. Students, parents and staff sign a Cybersafety Use Agreement, which outlines specific expectations regarding the School’s ICT facilities.